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If you love to grill, read on to hear about 3 of the best herbs to grow for grilling.  Our grill is on overdrive right now.  I’m learning to make so many different things on the grill and using what’s growing in my garden as well!  I love growing herbs because they are great staples in my spice collection. I always use spices to flavor my meats and vegetables when I grill. Herbs can add a lot of flavor to our food, and they eliminate the need for salt and high-calorie dressings.  But when it comes to grilling, I find that some herbs grill better than others and are easier to grow.

Garlic Rosemary Chicken Post

3 of the Best Herbs to Grow for Grilling


Rosemary can be a very versatile herb when it comes to grilling.  It’s sturdy enough to add straight to the grill and the leaves are soft enough for marinades.  I love putting Rosemary with chicken and potatoes, but it’s also great with pork. It gives them a full, earthy flavor that permeates into meat quickly. You can add Rosemary to the garden as a transplant and also keep it in a contained garden bed or potted container. It will require full sun and regular waterings to ensure that it grows several woody branches that are full of leaves and flavor. Just snip the entire branch from the plant as needed and add to the grill as is.  You can also strip leaves from the branches before adding to your own marinades.

Grilling with Lemon Thyme

Lemon thyme is just one of several different varieties of thyme but lemon thyme is the best for grilling. With a strong lemon flavor, it can replace a lot of spice mixes. It can be served as the only dressing when you’re grilling poultry, lamb, and vegetables that pair well with lemon. Even picky eaters will enjoy thyme because the leaves are thin and delicate so they tend to dissolve into food as you grill.

You can transplant Thyme to the garden and it will withstand poor growing conditions. However,  you will need to keep the soil well-drained. But the good news is, Thyme does not need full sun! When you are ready to pick it, just pinch the stems two inches above the base from all areas of the plant for new growth.


Dill doesn’t have as many uses in spice mixes and marinades.  But when you are grilling it can be added to just about any fish. Dill will give food a sharp, spicy kick that enhances rather than overpower the flavors you are trying to bring out. I like to add dill because of the many health benefits the herb is thought to provide.

Dill needs plenty of space to grow and produce tall, feathery stalks that move a lot like grass. You will need to grow Dill from seed in finely sifted soil keeping it moist and well-watered. Then thin seedlings out to about 10 inches apart and harvest just the leaves for grilling.