Our local Stop & Shop closed yesterday because they built a bigger one that opened today right down the road. I stopped by this morning to find out if they were marking anything down and they had a lot of meats marked down so I grabbed a few things for me and my mother. While in the produce area, they told me that at 4pm they were having a brown bag sale; whatever you could fit in the brown bag was $5.00. They just needed to be able to staple the bag closed. Needless to say I planned on stopping back in plenty of time to fill some bags, there was a lot of stuff there.
I arrived 20 minutes early along with a lot of people. I had my 5 year old with me so she sat in the back of the carriage (boy I was so grateful for that) and sang to me the entire time I filled up 5 bags of fruits and veggies.
Here is what I got for $25.00:
I have no idea how much this is all worth so no clue on how much I saved but there were ….
5 bags of Dole salad which retail for about $3.50 each = $17.50 (if not more)
2 containers of strawberries that retail for at least $3.99 each = $8.00
So right there would be about $25.00 full price. I’d say I got a GREAT Deal!!! I brought it to my mother’s house and we divided it up amongst ourselves, my sister in law and my cousin. My daughter is excited because I bought some artichokes and brussel sprouts which she is excited to try. (Any great recipes for brussel sprouts?? I’ve never cooked them before in my life) And I grabbed 1 Apricot (that’s all that was there by the time I saw it) and she tried that (she didn’t like it) and all those banana’s (they turned a little brown from the bag) I took and I’m going to cut them up and freeze them for smoothies along with the strawberries. I will also make some fruit salad tomorrow before I freeze them.
But anyways, I was super excited to score such a great deal and to be able to share it with my family. That’s the only reason why I got so much because we could never use all this in a short period of time.
So how much do you think I saved? If you click on the picture you can see a bigger view. Oh and that’s my 5 year old very proud that she was such a good girl while mommy shopped. (She earned herself and extra lollipop for doing so well, yeah Holly!).
that is an awesome score! i am jealous!
as for the brussels – i love to fry them up in bacon grease or bake them in the oven with italian dressing. they are my favorite veggie!
I’ll say you got a great deal. I have never tried Brussel Sprouts so I don’t have a recipe.
I too am jealous!! That is a serious produce haul for only $25!! Unbelievable! Good for you 🙂