The Freecycle Network is a FREE network you can join in your area to help with keeping items out of the landfill and help yourself and others save money on items you need. It's free to join your local group and once you are a member you can post items that you are getting rid of to see if someone else is in need of them. Everything is given away for FREE - there is no money exchange for anything. If someone needs it, they request it. Then when you are looking for something you can check the group to see if anyone is giving one away - or perhaps they just have it on hand and don't need it anymore. This is a great way to get share adult and children's clothes, toys and even old...
Free Stuff
FREE Up & Up Ibuprofen at Target with Printable Coupon
You can grab a FREE 24 count Up & Up Ibuprofen at Target for FREE after the Target printable Coupon. Here is how... Up & Up Ibuprofen (24 ct), $0.97 Use $1.00 Up & Up Pain Relief product Target Printable coupon Final Cost: FREE after coupon This is a great item to grab and donate if you don't need it! Thanks Passion for Savings!
Bonus 110 Swagbucks for New Members
Swagbucks is celebrating their birthday this month and in honor of that they are giving New members 110 Swagbucks when they join by February 27th. Just enther the code BIRTHDAYBASH12 when you join to get your additional 110 Swagbucks. since new members automatically get 30 Swagbucks when you join, that means you'll start out with 140 Swagbucks! Make sure you use this link to join AND enter the code BIRTHDAYBASH12 when you are joining to get the extra swagbucks. Swagbucks can be earned by doing your every day internet searches and can then be cashed in for CASH or PRIZES!
FREE Ice Cream Ben & Jerry’s TODAY 2/14/12
Today at Ben & Jerry's you can score a FREE free scoop of Americone Dream! Make sure you stop by and get your Free Ice Cream between 5 - 8 pm. This is a very yummy FREEBIE, don't you think?! To find a store near you, GO HERE.
5 FREE Disney Movie Reward Points 2/14/2012
Enter the following code to receive 5 FREE Disney Movie Rewards Points: 328WEDKFAHF. If you don't have a Disney Movie Rewards account I suggest you open one because they have FREE points all the time! And it's free to open so why not! Thanks, Passion For Savings!
FREE The Lorax Valentine’s Day Cards
You can download FREE The Lorax printable Valentine's Day Cards. The Lorax hits theaters on March 2nd, I can't wait! You will download a PDF file that you can then print as many copies as you'd like. There are 4 to a sheet. I love FREE Stuff - do you? Check out everything we've found in the Freebies Section
File Federal Taxes for FREE with H & R Block At Home
Here is another one! You should have everything you need to do your taxes by now and if you plan on working on them this week, you may be interested in this! For those of you that do your own taxes, you can complete your federal tax return using H&R Block at Home for FREE.
Turbo Tax FREE Federal Edition – Prepare, Print and E-File for FREE!
In case you missed it I wanted to remind you of this very nice and helpful Tax FREEBIE - TurboTax Federal Free Edition. With TurboTax you'll get your biggest tax refund guaranteed, with 100% accurate calculations and free help and step by step guidance so you are confident your taxes are done right. Turbo Tax is the #1 Rated, Best-Selling tax software brand year after year. You'll receive FREE preparation, FREE printing, and FREE efiling for your simple tax return. I used to use Turbo Tax before my taxes got to complicated and I loved it. It truly was easy to use and I loved watching my return get bigger and bigger as I entered my information into the program. Sign Up NOW!
FREE Star Wars Valentine’s Day Printables
Download FREE Star Wars Valentine’s Day Printables. We bought some Valentines today and my little one wanted to get a Star Wars Valentine for her sister so I was very excited when I saw these - already printed them out. Really cute! I love FREE Stuff - do you? Check out everything we've found in the Freebies Section Thanks, Saving Dollars and Sense!
FREE Bag of Seattle’s Best OR $1.50 Printable Coupon
"According to a recent survey from Seattle’s Best, 83% of Americans have thought outside the mug and added something unique to their coffee. Liquor/alcohol (21%), coffee basics (17%), chocolate/cocoa (13%) and spices (9%) were some of the more common responses, but some consumers admitted to thinking a little bit more unconventionally, and add in grape soda, gummy bears, cayenne pepper, balsamic vinegar and cheesecake." Wow - those are interesting things to add to coffee! Seattle’s Best is giving away 100 bags of free coffee each day from now until February 17th and nice High Value printable Coffee coupons! All you have to do is "Like" the Seattle's Best facebook page and then you build...
Turbo Tax FREE Federal Edition – Prepare, Print and E-File for FREE!
In case you missed it I wanted to remind you of another Tax FREEBIE - TurboTax Federal Free Edition. With TurboTax you'll get your biggest tax refund guaranteed, with 100% accurate calculations and free help and step by step guidance so you are confident your taxes are done right. Turbo Tax is the #1 Rated, Best-Selling tax software brand year after year. You'll receive FREE preparation, FREE printing, and FREE efiling for your simple tax return. I used to use Turbo Tax before my taxes got to complicated and I loved it. It truly was easy to use and I loved watching my return get bigger and bigger as I entered my information into the program. Sign Up NOW!
File Federal Taxes for FREE with H & R Block At Home
You should have everything you need to do your taxes by now and if you plan on working on them this weekend, you may be interested in this! For those of you that do your own taxes, you can complete your federal tax return using H&R Block at Home for FREE.
Enter to Win 100,000 Box Tops for your School
You can enter the General Mills & Publix Return to School contest to win 100,000 Boxtops for your school! This contest is for Publix Shoppers located in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Tennessee. If you live in one of these states click HERE to enter. And good luck!
FREE Market Pantry Mac & Cheese at Target!
Right now at Target you can get FREE Market Pantry Mac & Cheese! Here's how: Market Pantry Mac & Cheese, 5.4oz- $0.42/each Use $1/1 Target Printable Coupon (found under "Grocery") Final Price: FREE! Note: There may be larger boxes of Market Pantry Mac & Cheese at your Target, but those are priced around $0.72/each which will make them free too! Thanks Bargain Blessings! Looking for more coupons? Search the Coupon Database or print coupons from, SmartSource, and now from And don't forget to check out the Printable Coupon Alerts for other coupons I've found! Please note: Printable coupons have a print limit. Once that limit is met the...
FREE Firefox Update
I use Firefox for my web browser, not Internet Explorer. I find that Firefox is so much easier to navigate and organize. If you do, I wanted to let you know that there is a new FREE Firefox Upgrade right now that you may want to download and start using. I'm going to today and I'm excited to see if they've done anything new. Did you know they have a lot of apps to make your browser even more personalized for you? Just go HERE and follow the prompts and it will only take seconds to do.