Free Stuff

High Value Bengay Printable Coupon & FREE at Walmart

Head on over to and print a coupon for $5.00/1 Bengay Product. Walmart sells this for under $5.00 which means you can grab it for FREE!  This is another great item you can donate if you don't need it. thanks Passion For Savings! Looking for more coupons? Search the Coupon Database or print coupons from, SmartSource, and now from And don't forget to check out the Printable Coupon Alerts for other coupons I've found! Please note: Printable coupons have a print limit. Once that limit is met the coupon will no longer be available.

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FREE Scotch Magic Tape at Target this Week 7/17

While your picking up your FREE Pens at Target this week, make sure you also grab your FREE Scotch Magic Tape too!  Now depending on your store this could be a money maker as well because there is a Target printable coupon AND a manufacturer printable coupon. (1) Bonus Size Scotch Magic Tape, On Sale $.50 each Use $50/1 Scotch Magic Tape TARGET printable coupon Use $1.00/1 Scotch Magic Tape Printable Coupon Final Cost: FREE + $1.0o overage If they won't let you use the $1.00 coupon too that's fine, it's still FREE!  You may also be able to grab 3 using both these coupons and then get 3 FREE.   Some people have reported this on sale for $.60 at their stores so check your ad. thanks Passion...

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FREE BIC Pens at Target this Week! 7/17

This week at Target you can score some FREE BIC pens with the BIC printable coupon. However the coupon is printing a little weird so make sure you print at least 2 coupons if not 3 when you print this one so it prints correctly.  You can fit 3 coupons on a page so ideally that's they way you should go to maximize your paper. Here is the deal: Bic Pens, On Sale $.50 each Use $1.00/2 BIC Stationary Products Printable Coupon Final Cost: FREE after coupon I found this coupon in several zip codes including 02804. thanks Totally Target!

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Ulta is offering a FREE Shampoo and Style!

Ulta is offering a FREE SHAMPOO & SLEEK STYLE featuring products from Kenra & T3 on the following dates: • Wednesday, July 20th 3pm - 8pm • Thursday, July 21st 1pm - 4pm The fine Print: Pre-booking required. Valid on these dates only. Appointments are limited. Thanks, Klippin Krazy!

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FREE Chips & Queso at Chili’s

Just wanted to remind you about this great coupon.... Print a coupon for FREE Chips & Queso at Chili's when you sign up to receive their email alerts!   Pretty easy for some FREE stuff!! Once you sign up you'll be able to print your coupon.

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ING Direct: FREE $50 When You Open an Account!!

This is such a great deal I wanted to make sure you saw it because you can still get it!! Looking for a high yield interest checking account?  If so you may want to check out ING because right now they are offering a $50 bonus when you open an Electric Orange℠ checking account from ING DIRECT!!! You will also receive Free ATMs and no overdraft fees. Here is how it works: Sign up for an Electric Orange℠ checking account at ING DIRECT. Make a total of 3 Card Purchases OR 3 PersonToPerson Payments (or a combo of both) in the first 45 days of opening your account. Your $50 Bonus will automatically be deposited in your account on day 50! They make it very easy for you to transfer money into...

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FREE Chips & Queso at Chili’s

Just wanted to remind you about this great coupon.... Print a coupon for FREE Chips & Queso at Chili's when you sign up to receive their email alerts!   Pretty easy for some FREE stuff!! Once you sign up you'll be able to print your coupon.

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FREE Chips & Queso at Chili’s

Just wanted to remind you about this great coupon.... Print a coupon for FREE Chips & Queso at Chili's when you sign up to receive their email alerts!   Pretty easy for some FREE stuff!! Once you sign up you'll be able to print your coupon.

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Ritz Crackerfuls Crackers as low as FREE at Target

If you have the right coupon you can score a box of Ritz Crackerfuls for FREE or if not then $.49.  Either one is a good deal in my book.  Here is how.. If you have the $1.50 coupon then you can score this deal.... Ritz Crackerfuls, $2.49 at Target Use $1.00/1 Ritz Crackerfuls Target Printable Coupon Stack with Use $1.50/1 Ritz Crackerfuls Filled Crackers 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/10/2011) Pay: NOTHING!!! Or if you just have the $1.00 coupon then you can score this deal... Ritz Crackerfuls, $2.49 at Target Use $1.00/1 Ritz Crackerfuls Target Printable Coupon Stack with Use $1/1 Ritz Crackerfuls Filled Crackers 4/17/2011 SS Insert (exp 7/10/2011) Pay: $.49 Or if you have neither of these...

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Chili’s: Kids Eat FREE Tomorrow with an Adult Purchase – 7/6

Once again this deal is back!!! Tomorrow (July 6th) kids eat FREE at Chili's with an adult purchase.  So if you were thinking of taking the night off from cooking, tomorrow may be the night!   You'll receive 2 FREE kids meals with 1 adult purchase with this coupon. I'm excited about this as I'll be spending the day with my bff and her two kids so I hope we can find a Chili's near by our destination so we can get the kids a free meal!! thanks to reader Heidi that left this on my facebook page!

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HOT Deal: Free Personalized Free Note Cards TODAY only! 6/30/11

Today we have another nice FREEBIE for you!  Did you know that campers are more likely to stay in touch with family and friends when you provide them with what they need? Day 4 features FREE Personalized Note Cards from Vistaprint! Simply self-address and stamp the notecards so that your camper can write a note and then pop it in the mail. No more excuses! It’s that easy! Shipping starts at only $4.60 I've ordered from Vistaprint several times and you can even use paypal which is always a plus in my book!

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