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The kitchen is the place in the home where some of our best memories are made. When families spend time cooking together and enjoying meals together, they create memories that summon all five senses. For as long as most of us can remember, Coca-Cola has been a part of the experience. From birthday dinners to summer BBQ’s, millions of families have enjoyed a Coke with their meals and celebrations (or even mixed into the ingredients themselves!).

Coca-Cola has launched Cooking with Coke – a site dedicated to Coke-loving moms and families. The new site provides a place to share recipes, family stories and mealtime traditions. Visitors to the site can build a personalized recipe book from any they like and share tips on how to get the whole family together.

Coke is a long time favorite of mine too and I love how they are trying to get families together more and create memories in the kitchen.  I checked out the website to see what kinds of recipes people were sharing.  It was very easy to search the recipes as they had them separated by meal.  I loved the variety of recipes and found some cool ones that I will probably try including Lemon & Garlic Hummus and Coca-Cola Grilled Chicken!  They both sound SO YUMMY.

Check out the website, it’s pretty valuable if you like to cook and I’m sure you can find lots of family friendly meals, and some you can even cook with the kids!


To help you get cooking in the kitchen and creating memories, (1) Koupon Karen reader will win a Cooking with Coke Prize Pack which will include a Coca-Cola oven mitt and an Ingrid Hoffman 4.2qt Stovetop T-Fal Stainless Pressure Cooker!

Entry is simple! You just need to answer the question below by leaving a comment on this site! You can even gain up to 4 bonus entries for doing each additional item listed (just make sure that you leave one entry for each one — up to a total of 5 comments). As a reminder, comments left on Facebook, Twitter or other posts will not be included.


Visit Cooking with Coke and share a recipe, then come back here and let us know which recipe you shared.  It can be a simple recipe or not… it’s up to you!  The more recipes that are shared, the more valuable the Cooking with Coke site will be!


1. Follow @KouponKaren on twitter and tweet the following “I entered to #win a Cooking with Coke Prize Pack @KouponKaren and you can too!

2. “Like” Koupon Karen on Facebook –> I have a new page so if you were previously my “friend on facebook” please like this page as well.

3. Comment on any other post on my blog (giveaway posts don’t count) then come back here and let me know what post you commented on.

4. Sign up to receive Koupon Karen daily emails or add me to your favorite reader.

Details: This giveaway is open to US Residents and will remain open until May 4th at 11:59 p.m. EST . Any comments left after this time will not be counted. The winner will be selected randomly and will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to claim their prize.

Disclosure: The prize was provided by The Coca-Cola Company. The Coca-Cola Company is not a sponsor, administrator or connected in any other way with this giveaway. T-fal® had zero involvement with this contest. I received the same prize package as the winner to facilitate my review. My opinions of these products are 100% my own.