I’m excited about the Country Crock Twitter Party that is happening on Tuesday, 4/24/12 – A Very Veggie World! It’s in honor of their Digital Recipe Book – A Very Veggie World.
Country Crock is on a mission to get your family to love their veggies as much as they do, so they have teamed up with Clare Crespo of Yummy Fun to create 25 Country Crock recipes featuring a variety of healthy and delicious vegetables. And these aren’t your average veggie casseroles – this recipe book is full of fun and unique dishes that will keep your family asking for seconds, so download your copy and get cooking!
Party Information:
Date: Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Time: 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. eastern
Where: #AVeryVeggieWorld tag on Twitter
How: To participate, tweet with the tag during the party hours and follow @CountryCrock, @YummyClare and @ResourcefulMom
RSVP: You can RSVP at Resourceful Mommy and you can also see a list of prizes that will be given away at the twitter party!
Disclosure: I’ll be Tweeting for @CountryCrock’s A Very Veggie World Twitter Party and I received a kit from them for my participation!