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This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Florida Orange Juice for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

Starting off the day with Orange Juice is good for you in so many ways – and it tastes good too.  I like my  Florida Orange Juice with no pulp as does my family so it makes buying it easier.  However I have enjoy fresh squeezed OJ in the past, with a little pulp.  Perhaps because it's fresh I don't mind it as much?  Either way having a glass of Orange Juice in the morning makes me feel like I'm doing something good for my body, which is a nice way to start the day!

A key recommendation of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans is to increase fruit intake.  Did you know that One 8-ounce glass of 100 percent orange juice provides half of the USDA-recommended daily fruit intake for most adults, based on a 2,000-calorie diet?  I had no idea.  But knowing this makes it easier to get at least half of the recommended in, each day by drinking Orange Juice.

That will make it easier for me to remember since my days seem to be getting increasingly busy.

The summer is here and the kids are out of school so that means we will be spending a few days a week out and about having fun.  In order to have 'fun' all summer long, we need to watch what we spend while out.  So packing snacks and a lunch sometimes is going to be a must.  Here is a nutrition tip from Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD for snacking when out and about that will also help you save money…

::When looking for a snack, think outside the box before trying to satisfy your cravings from roadside convenience stores or airport kiosks.

  • Plan ahead and take a cooler with portable, smart snacks that fit your on-the-go lifestyle like nuts, hummus with veggies, granola bars and 8-ounce cartons of 100 percent orange juice that will help give you the energy and nutrients you need to get through your travel day.

With the right planning, you can easily catch most of these items on sale so you don't have to spend a lot on them!

Be sure to follow Florida Orange Juice on Facebook for more helpful tips and Florida Orange Juice on Pinterest as well!

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