A stylish eco-conscious shopping organizer that fits securely over any shopping cart handle to hold EVERYTHING the grocery shopper needs. It has:
•A dedicated pocket with index cards to keep coupons and shopping lists organized
•A roomy see-through pocket for easy access to your mobile phone
•A pocket with two stylish and spacious reusable bags so you’ll never forget them again!
•Enough space for a List Caddy, Koalabiner, keys, money, debit/credit cards etc. (a great idea for those who’d rather leave their purse at home or in the car while they shop)
•A pen/pencil holder
Product Price: $14.95
Purchase Information: You can purchase it online at Amazon and Momcepts.com.
My Thoughts: I really like this. I usually keep my coupon binder in the seat in front of me along with my purse. I like the Koala Pouch so much better mostly because it stayed in place and was so much easier to look through and pull things out. I only needed one hand! Very helpful when shopping with children.
Product Name: Koalabiner Purse Hanger
This is a must-have accessory for all purse toting grocery shoppers and moms. The Koalabiner is a super sturdy carabiner that clips purses securely to any shopping cart or stroller handle to free up cart space and provide easy access for the shopper, and difficult access for kids or purse snatchers. It also is great for securing reusable bags while shopping, and for clipping full grocery bags together to prevent items from spilling out.
Product Price: $4.95
Purchase Information: You can purchase it online at Amazon and Momcepts.com.
My Thoughts: I love this! I actually use it not only for my purse but for my reusable bags. If there is a cup holder on my shopping cart, I hang the bags from there until I need them but if there’s not then I have nothing to hang them from. Well not any more! This purse hanger is extremely helpful. I also feel that my purse is safer since someone can’t just grab it out of my shopping cart… they’d have to get it out of the purse hanger first and I doubt they’d be able to figure that out quick enough.
Product Name: List Caddy
A sturdy list, coupon and pencil holder that snaps onto shopping cart handles and attaches to refrigerators for easy list and coupon management.
Product Price: $1.99
Purchase Information: You can purchase it online at Amazon and Momcepts.com
Would you like to win the Koala Pouch and Koalabiner Purse Hanger?
Giveaway: (1) Koupon Karen reader will win the Koala Pouch and Koalabiner Purse Hanger!!!
How to Enter: Leave me a comment and tell me how you organize your coupons and shopping list while shopping.
Extra Entries: Once you do the above mandatory entry you can do any of the following an earn up to 5 more entries:
- Follow @KouponKaren on twitter
- “Friend” Koupon Karen on Facebook
- Tweet about this giveaway “I entered to win a Koala Pouch and Purse Hanger @KouponKaren & you can enter too https://wp.me/pMKCI-3SG ” (you can tweet this once a day!)
- Blog about this giveaway
- Sign up to receive Koupon Karen daily emails or add me to your favorite reader
Details: This giveaway is open to US and Canada residents and will end October 4th at 11:59pm. The winner will be randomly picked and announced shortly after and will have 48 hours to claim their prize or I will randomly pick another winner.
Disclosure: I received FREE products from Momcepts for my review and they will also send the winner some products. This did not influence my post and as always, my words are my own.
I preview the sales then clip what I need and keep the q’s in an envelope at the store
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I am SUPER unorganized, normally just keep them together with a clip
FB fan… love this
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I just shove the coupons I think i’m going to need in my purse, so this is most needed!
I Bring a binder with clear pockets so I can easily see my q’s
Perfect for me, I need something that lets me sort through the coupons as I shop…they are always falling out of my hand and purse when I shop 🙂
I use a check binder for my coupons and file them according!
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right now i have an expandable check file holder- this looks great would love to try it
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I use the couponizer.
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I clip the coupons with the store’s circular before I go shopping.
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Daily tweet 9/24
Desperately need this, I have no system at all, I’m new to couponing and I think this could help
I’m new to couponing, so I’m not that organized yet. Maybe this would help me!
I am not that organized when I shop. I do make my list ahead and paperclip the coupons I need to it. I also put a star next to any items that have a coupon – so I know to get that exact thing. I really want to get more organized to help me save money!
I follow you on my Google Reader (Giant Sis).
Daily tweet 9/25
I keep all my coupons in my coupon folder with all the ones I’m planning on using for that trip in the front. It sits in my purse, which stays in the front of the cart. I sometimes have to double check the specifications of the coupon, so it can be a little time-consuming! I wish I had a more efficient method.
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i usually make sure i have several paperclips. once i have the item in my cart, i clip it with the others that i know i’m using.
bethany brant is a fb liker
you send me daily emails. thanks! 🙂
Daily tweet 9/26
Daily tweet 9/27
I put them in a little old cosmetic bag inside my purse.
I follow on twitter as 409cope.
I like you on facebook.Shari D
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have a cpn box, which is starting to fall apart
I have an index box w/labeled dividers that I made myself. I put it in the seat part of the buggy while shopping. I make my list on several small pieces of paper. Each piece is grouped as to what I need…….dairy/vegetables/deli…….ect.
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when I go grocery shopping then I bring 3 huge file holders (envelope style) where I organize all my coupons alphabetically (this is awesome for closeouts, mark downs, manager specials)
and a coupon purse where I bring the coupons what I am gonna definitely use according to my shopping list
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I have a plastic coupon organizer that really isnt working very well.
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I love the Broad Ripple Satchel
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Right now I just put the coupons I think I will use in my wallet and shove the rest in a drawer. My system doesn’t work well because i end up wishing I had coupons with me that I’ve left at home
I follow you on twitter as edmontonjb
Daily tweet 10/4
I use an accordian style folder and divide according to food groups.
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My rather primitive coupon/shopping system is totally dependent on my weird (highly selective) “photographic memory”.
After I’ve shopped somewhere only once I usually have the whole store layout memorized – so I write my shopping lists based on the specific store’s layout and organize my coupons (in a plain old envelope) in the same order.)
It works out OK – but there is plenty of room for improvement (and a new store or when a store remodels causes a mini-meltdown in my sanity!
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Okay I am honest I need help and this would be great
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I use a magnetic notepad to jot down my shopping list, and an envelope for coupons.
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