Disclosure: This event and trip to LA was an all expense paid journey sponsored by Disney. All thoughts, experiences are 100% my own!
You all know that Disney has a new princess movie coming out in less than 2 months, right? I’ve you’ve been reading my blog the past 2 months you’ll have heard me mention it a few times. We are very excited here about this new movie and after seeing the first clip I was pretty much counting down to it opens in November.
Then I was invited to California for a really fun trip to see the premiere of PLANES and also to see some behind the scenes Disney things and learn more about The Little Mermaid which is being released in the Diamond Edition like soon! Well, while they had us all there they also let us see more of the NEW Disney movie FROZEN. I was looking forward to this as much as I was looking forward to the premiere of PLANES.
Jennifer Lee, the direct of FROZEN told us more about the story and shared some wonderful clips. Some were complete and some were unfinished. I loved seeing the unfinished clips because it game me more of an idea of the process of doing an animated film. There were some scenes where the background was complete, and the they’d change the camera angle and it wasn’t complete anymore. It was really cool. There were also scenes where her dress was complete and then others where it was in ‘layers’. I had no idea what went into even making a princess dress as far as the animation process goes but I learned a lot from Jennifer Lee.
In order to research ways to make this film, some of the crew traveled to Wyoming, Canada and Norway to get ideas. In Wyoming they actually put on big dresses and walked in them through the snow This gave them an idea of how the dress would flow in snow, so they could bring that to life with animation. In Canada they went to the Ice Hotel to study ice. The could out that lots of color could be used as they saw how it reflected off of the ice. Pretty cool! And they visited Norway to get inspiration for settings and ideas as well. Who knew so much went into making an animated film other than just drawing.
Jennifer was amazing and walked us through so much of the movie and how they made it which made me want to see it even more. Well I have good news! Today they released a new trailer for FROZEN and you can see it right here….
This is BRAND NEW and just released today!
If you missed my other posts about my Disney Planes and Little Mermaid Adventures check them out below:
A Look Inside the Disney Animation Research Library (ARL) and the Disney Vault
Interview with John Muskar and Ron Clements, The Little Mermaid Writers and Directors #LittleMermaidEvent
Super Buddies DVD Review and Meeting Rosebud in Los Angeles #SuperBuddies
Disney Little Mermaid Consumer Products Preview #IHeartAriel
Disney Planes Flies into Theaters Today August 9, 2013 Planes Movie Review
Walking The Red Carpet at #DisneyPlanesPremiere
Disclosure: I received a FREE Trip to Los Angeles to attend the #DisneyPlanesPremiere and #LittleMermaidEvent. And even though there was a lot of Disney Magic happening, My opinions are still 100% mine.
(NEW Disney Frozen Trailer & A Behind The Scenes Look) This looks and sounds like it is going to be a good movie for the whole family to go and see.