Most of you know my coupon story: Our second child had just arrived and we found ourselves in need of a new roof and some car repairs. I found that using coupons helped us pay for those repairs, and eventually other things – like vacations!
I want to hear your story! When and why did you start using coupons? Tell me about a trip to the grocery or drug store where you were just amazed at the amount you saved. Or… have you used coupons to help save money for a specific big ticket event or thing – like a vacation or car? Have you used coupons all your life, having been taught by someone in your family? What does your spouse think of your couponing? How has Koupon Karen helped you to save?
I’m looking forward to hearing your stories! Send me a picture, too! I’ll feature one of you each week. Watch for your name!
Email your story to:
My grandmother taught me how to coupon when I was younger. As I got older when I would go visit her she always had a pile of clipped coupons for me to go through & pick what I wanted! She also taught me if you were unhappy with a product don’t hesitate to bring it back or to contact the company. She passed many years ago but I know she would be happy with how far coupons have come!
sorry, missed the part about emailing this to you! I’ll do that now & you can delete my posts if you like!